Parents Supporting Parents

The Most Valuable Parents (MVP) is an organized body of concerned citizens, parents and or-ganizations who stand in unity to address issues that impact our city and to make the city of Buffalo a better and safer place to live. Our target area includes wherever our services are most needed, prioritizing Buffalo’s East Side where crime and violence are most pervasive and where programs, intervention, representation, and awareness are required in the underserved commu-nities.

We have also come together because we believe that it is our duty and responsibility as parents to assist one another in doing our part to improve and support better educational, social and emotional outcomes for children. We believe that it’s necessary to stand in solidarity to extinguish any negative stereotypes placed on us as parents. We believe that our voices will be respected and heard by the youth of our communities, along with the political and non-political leadership, if we speak with one united voice. Our organization prides itself on inclusion and is well-connected and respected within various ethnic communities of Buffalo, NY.


MVP intends to work with families to change the trajectory of students who are displaying behaviors that have led to poor school attendance, disciplinary infractions, and/or high suspension rates however we are here to work with any parent that is interested in getting positive support and encouragement.

MVP will use its cultural, relational, and community capital to provide programming in a safe and welcoming environment. Our primary focus will be to strengthen parent and child relationships as well as build the capacity of parents to support student’s school success.

Creating positive and productive relationships between Parent and student as well as BPS and the families


MVP will assign credible, trusted, and caring adults to engage fellow parents in mentoring relationships. Mentors will work closely with parents of students, identified by designated BPS personnel .

Theory of Change

Research supports that when families are engaged in their children’s schooling, students do better.

To initiate positive change, we posit:

1. It is imperative to build trusting relationships with students and families. We will utilize active listening and offer emotional support, when needed, so that parents feel heard and valued.

2. It is important to engage parents in a respectful, caring, and non-judgement manner. It is necessary to peel back layers and unpack root causes attributing to student’s/parent’s sometimes misguided decisions and misbehaviors.

Program Engagement

3. BPS personnel will identify families for participation in the BPS Parents Supporting Parents Mentorship Program. A Parent Mentoring Partner (PMP) will visit the family’s home to meet with the parent/caregiver. During the initial meeting, the PMP will explain the purpose of the program and encourage participation. To initiate rapport-building, the PMP may find it valuable to share relatable life-experiences that have ended favorably.

Should the parent/family member agree to participate, the PMP will obtain basic student and family information and a participant agreement will be signed by the parent and Par-ent Mentor Partner.

4. The PMP will meet weekly with the parent to create a space for active listening…giving value to his or her thoughts and feelings. These meetings will also generate dialogue to gauge the parent’s mindset regarding education and life expectations for their student. Sample Conversation Topics may include:

· Expectations for my Child’s Education

· My Child’s Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement

· School Successes and Challenges (child)

· A Look Back: School Successes and Challenges (parent)

· Supporting my Child’s Success

5. The PMP will assist the parent in developing a Parent Supporting Student

Success Plan (PSSSP). This plan will serve as a focal point during each PMP and parent meeting. The PSSSP will include the student’s established targets and goals for in-creasing attendance and grades as well as decreasing suspensions. The plan may also encompass other non-school related goals.

6. The PMP will use its community connections to assist the parent with securing needed resources. Examples include:

· Buffalo Prenatal Perinatal Network (BPPN) Health related

· Northland Workforce Training Center -Job Training

· Feed More WNY

· Resurrection Church- Food

· African Heritage Coop-Food

· Confident Girl Mentoring – Mentoring service

· GROUP Ministries, Inc – Substance Abuse

· CoNECT/CHW (Community Health Worker Network)- Health and wellness services for Families and Community

· Urban League- Housing and employment opportunities

· CAO – wide range of services for families from housing to job opportunities

· Villa Maria College- Education

· Buffalo State College’s Community and Civic Engagement Dept- Food and community resources

· BRAVE-Domestic violence

· SNUG – Gun Violence

· Dr Catherine Collins- Women’s Health education

· EPIC – Youth Services and Parenting education

 Buffalo Peace Makers Heat Program

· The Healing Hub- Human trafficking

· Hope Buffalo- teen sex education

Restorative Circles

Eastside Bike / Buffalo United Front- Bike Repair Program

MVP we will convene monthly Parent2Parent sessions with the other school parent participants with the intent of sharing and hearing PSSSP peaks and lessons learned. These will be help at the BPS Parent centers.

Program Close-Out Celebration

MVP will invite BPS personnel to participate in a Parents Supporting Parents Mentorship Close-out Breakfast or Dinner to celebrate what we anticipate will be numerous student and family successes. Certificates will be awarded as well as other items to recognize families for their pro-gress.

Ongoing Evaluation

Parent Mentor Partners will meet monthly with designated school personnel to review progress and advise of additional school supports when necessary.

Parent 2 Parent WOKSHOP SERIES

In addition to the Parents Supporting Parents Mentoring Program, we would also like to conduct the Parent 2 Parent workshop series. This series would be open to all and offered, as an additional resource, to the Parents Supporting Parents mentees.

Each participant will be provided inserts from a Search Institute’s When Parents Ask for Help: Everyday Issues through an Asset-Building Lens workbook. The curriculum is grounded in lessons centered on 40 development assets. The first 20 are external assets focused on positive experiences that individuals receive from people and institutions in their lives such as support and empowerment. The remaining 20 include internal assets that shape and nurture internal qualities that guide choices and bring stability, centeredness, purpose, and focus. They include positive identity and social competencies.

We will engage participants in active reading, writing, listening, and sharing to strengthen parent-child relationships as well as enhance family members’ capacity to support their children’s school success. Participants will complete weekly lessons, develop an action plan, and report out progress.

Each Cohort will consist of 

Weekly Sessions (1) once per week for 10 weeks, 2-hours/each session